I know many teachers have done some variation of a fashion show in the foreign language classroom, but after posting the idea on FL Teach , and having several teachers request my rubric for this project, I thought I would do a short post explaining what I did. I'll try to link video in the next couple of days. Below are the directions I gave my class for the project, and after that some reflection on how to improve it.
Created for 2A&B of Realidades
Students will present a fashion show. Students may work with a partner or in groups of three. Each student will describe what his/her partner is wearing and each student will be a runway model J Class time will be given, but students will need to prepare outside of class as well.
1. Pick your outfits before class. Pick crazy outfits that you normally wouldn't wear, but make sure they are school appropriate.
2. Describe what special event (2A voc) this clothing is suited for…es ideal para…es perfecta para…por ejemplo…
3. Describe the fabric & material in your clothing items. Also make sure that the outfit has a variety of colors & use the following to describe the colors: claro/a, de un solo color, oscuro, pastel y vivo.
4. Bring in accessories for your outfit. You can use the terms above to describe the accessories if you need to… un cinturón de cuero…don’t forget las joyas!
5. Describe how the clothing fits & how it looks on the model (floja, cómoda...)
6. Use a variety of verbs in your presentation (escoger, estar de moda, probarse, vestirse, llevar, prepararse, ponerse…)
7. Talk about the expense of the clothing (Es una ganga? Es muy cara? El precio es alto o bajo?)
Tips for presentation
This activity is a lot of fun with a class that embraces being silly. My middle school students loved it & my younger classes last year responded well. It's not to say the older students don't enjoy it, but if they aren't open to the whole "runway" experience, you may hear some grumbling. I let them take a notecard up, but emphasize that the "announcer" must match the "model". The "model" will want to fly up & down the "runway", so in order to reinforce the vocabulary, I will remind them to stay with the narration. I have classes of 26-32 students, and I had to scramble to get all the presentations in with a 55 min bell. You also need to allow time for the kids to change in & out of their outfits. Fell free to leave comments/tips if you have tried this in your class.