I have had the following photos of a supermarket in Bogotá, Colombia for a few years & I haven't really done too much with them until today. El supermercado set on Flickr will ask students to compare a grocery store in Bogotá with a grocery store in the US. The photos were taken at a Carulla market a few blocks from where my father lives. I went in with my camera & took a few photos before the security guard stopped me. He was polite, but perplexed by why I would want to photograph a market. He had me talk to the manager, who was equally confused by my need to photograph his store. (secret supermarket spy!) When all was said & done, they let me keep the film (before my digital days), but I felt really awkward taking any more... That is all I have in the set. This activity uses the note feature on Flickr that I did not know existed until three days ago. I will be using it a lot more often now.