I wanted a to write a quick post about Flickr. I have talked about this Web 2.0 previously, but I wanted to add another usage for what is one of my favorite sites. One of my homework options is for students to photograph current vocabulary and load it to our class Flickr group. This year I have 8-10 students who consistently take photos and load them to our class group. I ask that my students tag the photos with the lesson number, and I can easily create a slide show by selecting the photos with that specific tag. You can see an example of what this slide show looks like here. There will be some repetition in the vocabulary words photographed, but I am ok with that. The student photographers enjoy seeing their work as a slide show, and the other students like viewing these photos more than the clip art that comes with the textbook. This is a great review activity and takes very little preparation on my part, but personalizes the lesson tremendously.