Lovebots art by Ziggle Designs
It has been such a long time... I have been a very bad blogger. I'd like to change that, but I can't make any promises. I just put together this little St Valentine Day activity for my Spanish 3 students & thought I'd share with anyone who doesn't have a thematic lesson plan for tomorrow (yikes! I do work best under pressure). I pulled images from a Google seach with "amor y amistad" & put together this quick presentation. I will have my students identify the affirmative & negative commands in the cards & answer a few comprehension questions...
¿Qué tarjeta viene de muy lejos?
¿Cuál es para animar a alguien que rompió con su novi@?
¿Cuál(es) expresa(n) amor romántico?
¿Cuál(es) expresa(n) amistad?
Happy Valentine's Day!!!