Photo taken in Bogotá, Colombia on International Skateboarding Day, 2011
One of my hobbies is photography so I am always looking for ways to use it in the classroom. If you have the opportunity to travel, photography is a great way to bring culture back to the classroom, but there are other ways to use photos in the classroom. Here are a few ideas:
1. Set up a scavenger hunt on Flickr or better yet have the students make one for each other.
2. Have students take photos of vocabulary for homework & then use it in class to review vocabulary.
3. Use a high interest photo as a conversation prompt for partner work. I am always looking for images to get my students talking. If you have a favorite resource for this, please let me know.
4. Pair a photograph with a sentence structure when you are explaining grammar items. Some kids need the grammar explanation, but others will remember the structure because of the image.
5. Use photos to review vocabulary on, or on a digital matching game like Many of these web 2.0 tools will allow you to load photos to their digital flashcards.
I know there are many other uses for photos. What are some of your favorite ways to bring the language alive via images?